Sometimes arguments happen, but usually, they don't end in a demolition derby style fight between multiple bulldozers. In 2016, a fight between construction workers in China resulted in a head-to-head brawl between several heavy machines. The dangerous event ended in the flipping of one of the dozers and the destruction of a few others. The event was recorded and published on YouTube.
The fight broke out between two companies competing for business on the job site, and it got intense fast. Not much information has been released about the specifics of the event outside of the short police report and the video seen above.
This argument and the intense fight are likely a result of China's struggling construction industry, as demand has decreased drastically in recent years, causing many companies to become more aggressive with their tactics. According to Fox News, the real estate sector represents around 25 percent of the Chinese job market, so the fact that it is failing is causing a significant burden to the country's economy.
The next time you get a little upset with your coworker and happen to have access to a bulldozer, please don't take advantage of the capability to get into a demolition derby dozer fight. Future employers generally don't accept 'bulldozer fight' as the reason you left your last job.
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